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Sandy Turkington


Sandy has over 36 years of experience as a teacher and demonstrator in various disciplines of Angels, house blessings, mediumship and teaching.


She was born in Chicago and has always been aware of Spirit. In childhood she would often talk to her “Spirit Friends” who guided her through some difficult times. It is quite common for mediums to have this link at childhood.


Sandy continues to take classes at the Arthur Findlay College in Essex, England.

She chooses to continue her professional development constantly.


Sandy is a member of The Spiritualists' National Union, a recognized body in the U.K. for the promotion of Spiritualism as a science, religion and philosophy, and the National Federation of Spiritual Healers.


Sandy is a minister with the Universal Life Church. Her degree is in Divinity (Masters) and Spirituality (PHD).  She has been certified in many other courses as well. 


Sandy approaches her mediumship and healing in a direct manner, delivered with humor.  She may be contacted at:

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